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For creativity, literacy, confidence, pride in work, general braininess and heaps of fun.

After-School and Holiday Writing Workshops

April Holiday workshops now booking
Immensely imaginative, enormously educational, constantly creative, fabulously fun creative writing workshops for young writers aged 6-18.
After-schoolSchool holidaysSelf-paced online.


Incursions and in-school programs to boost creative writing skills and engagement, all stages.
One-off and fully integrated programs for schools.

Teacher Professional

Ideas, inspiration and pedagogical skills for teachers from kindergarten to HSC (including new curriculum units). 
NESA-Accredited, author-educators.


Creative Writing Workshops

Join The Writing Workshop after school, in school holidays and online.



Join The Writing Workshop's after-school creative writing workshops live online (via Zoom) on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, or face-to-face at North Ryde, Darlinghurst and Annandale for primary Years 1-6. For high-school students, join us for Years 7–9 and Years 10–12.

School Holiday

Join us with your brain switched to HIGH this school holidays. Fun, engaging and skill-boosting workshops for ages 6–15 years. New program every holidays. Accomplished authors lead all workshops.

Online Self-paced

Join The Writing Workshop online. Work at your own pace. (For live, fixed-time workshops, join our regular weekly online After-School Workshops.) Register, submit your creative writing and receive support and guidance from your peers and an experienced author and tutor.

The Writing Workshop is a registered NSW Creative Kids provider. If you live in NSW, you can use your Creative Kids voucher for our term-length after-school and full-day school holiday workshops. For details, visit Creative Kids.


Our eighteenth year of high-quality creative writing education

The Writing Workshop has been educating and inspiring young people since May 2006. We've worked and written with over 100,000 participants from five years old to school-leavers, and read over half a million pieces of imaginative writing. Our participants have won major competitions, been awarded selective school places and scholarships, written (and published) books, participated in our peer leader programs, achieved personal writing goals, found new confidence in their ideas, writing and presentation skills, invented worlds, brought characters to life (on the page!), asked incredible questions, stretched their imaginations, and had a lot of fun.

We teach teachers too – The Writing Workshop is accredited by NESA to run a range of professional development workshops in the creative writing area.

"At the beginning of the term kids always want to do lots of out-of-school activities – however, this is the only one which independently motivates her every week."  Year 2 Parent

Read more Testimonials
Published authors lead every workshop. Learn more about Our Story, Our People, Our Approach and Our Experience.