After-School Workshops - High School Groups

Greeting Cards Exercise

To express all those inner thoughts you keep to yourself out of fear of social impropriety, Externaliser Cards pushes you to face (or embrace) those cold, hard truths.

Created by the Senior High School Group, Term 4, 2023.

When you’re expected to apologise but you don't feel apologetic in the slightest…

When it’s time to choose: That velvety chocolate bar? Or your sibling?

When you need to keep the peace after you ate all their leftovers…

When you need to remind them that you said “borrow”, not “gift”.

When the time has come to speak the truth about what you actually want for your birthday...

(And no, “Anything is fine” is not an option).

When it’s time for a holiday (whether you like it or not)!

When you need a wake-up call.


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